4107 rank

41,618,071 points

18,614 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ragnar the stealthy    The Bandits
Walstrand 342 Ragnar the stealthy The Bandits 544,581,069 98,716
Ragnar the stealthy    The Iron Bank
Qunrir 579 Ragnar the stealthy The Iron Bank 419,663,440 102,646
Ragnar the stealthy    Bandits 212
Parkog 1964 Ragnar the stealthy Bandits 212 84,817,923 35,539
Ragnar the stealthy    The Iron Bank
Arvahall 4107 Ragnar the stealthy The Iron Bank 41,618,071 18,614
Ragnar the stealthy    The Bandits
Angkor 3525 Ragnar the stealthy The Bandits 19,098,958 22,443
Ragnar the stealthy    The Bandits
Noarsil 5392 Ragnar the stealthy The Bandits 12,190,554 4,635
Ragnar the stealthy    Sneaky Weasels
Houndsmoor 6115 Ragnar the stealthy Sneaky Weasels 11,491,422 4,751
Ragnar the stealthy    The Iron Bank
Carthage 1888 Ragnar the stealthy The Iron Bank 10,879,845 17,165