15800 rank

532,988 points

642 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Leonidas 638 the Wise    Snow lion
East-Nagach 11797 Leonidas 638 the Wise Snow lion 822,756 1,053
Leonidas 638 the Wise    Fire
Arvahall 15800 Leonidas 638 the Wise Fire 532,988 642
Leonidas 638 the Wise    Expiditors
Fel Dranghyr 12640 Leonidas 638 the Wise Expiditors 513,502 648
Leonidas 638 the Wise    Dances With Cats
Noarsil 12937 Leonidas 638 the Wise Dances With Cats 293,679 377
Leonidas 638 the Wise    Looney Tunes
Brisgard 20874 Leonidas 638 the Wise Looney Tunes 58,315 117