7849 rank

11,122,598 points

1,252 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Edward the Irritated    air force
Arvahall 7849 Edward the Irritated air force 11,122,598 1,252
Edward the Irritated    Don't tred on me
Jaims 7971 Edward the Irritated Don't tred on me 4,012,008 881
Edward the Irritated    Leitner
East-Nagach 10327 Edward the Irritated Leitner 1,541,953 822
Edward the Irritated    Titan's
Cirgard 10875 Edward the Irritated Titan's 1,272,786 692
Edward the Irritated    Sara's Unicorns
Dunarsund 11426 Edward the Irritated Sara's Unicorns 1,118,998 590
Edward the Irritated    Total Chaos
Fel Dranghyr 10776 Edward the Irritated Total Chaos 1,025,670 494