9984 rank

4,473,022 points

2,610 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mita the Wise    Dragons Lair
Odhrorvar 4442 Mita the Wise Dragons Lair 22,123,675 12,389
Mita the Wise    ❄️ Winterfell ❄️
Xyr 6510 Mita the Wise ❄️ Winterfell ❄️ 8,225,740 4,253
Mita the Wise    New Players!
Vingrid 6255 Mita the Wise New Players! 8,084,803 2,950
Mita the Wise    Kin of Odin
Arvahall 9984 Mita the Wise Kin of Odin 4,473,022 2,610