5598 rank

25,049,634 points

4,970 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Scott the Elder   
Greifental 4385 Scott the Elder 26,708,338 5,365
Scott the Elder    Pacific High Tide
Arvahall 5598 Scott the Elder Pacific High Tide 25,049,634 4,970
Scott the Elder   
Dunarsund 4802 Scott the Elder 24,989,090 5,541
Scott the Elder   
Qunrir 5645 Scott the Elder 11,371,513 4,310
Scott the Elder   
Walstrand 6705 Scott the Elder 5,006,193 4,253
Scott the Elder   
Jaims 9402 Scott the Elder 1,747,890 1,320
Scott the Elder   
Odhrorvar 16542 Scott the Elder 45,155 154