10942 rank

3,062,144 points

11,951 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
KC the Amazing 793    793 on a break
Jaims 7120 KC the Amazing 793 793 on a break 6,235,530 15,052
KC the Amazing 793    relaxing 793
Angkor 6063 KC the Amazing 793 relaxing 793 6,146,166 14,374
KC the Amazing 793    Chill Zone
Noarsil 7363 KC the Amazing 793 Chill Zone 4,552,490 12,728
KC the Amazing 793    793 for rest
Arvahall 10942 KC the Amazing 793 793 for rest 3,062,144 11,951
KC the Amazing 793    Just Tired
Qunrir 8763 KC the Amazing 793 Just Tired 1,897,804 8,838
KC the Amazing 793    Just Chilling
Parkog 8939 KC the Amazing 793 Just Chilling 1,519,591 4,437
KC the Amazing 793    relaxing 793
Cirgard 11297 KC the Amazing 793 relaxing 793 1,047,238 4,317
KC the Amazing 793    Deviant Misfits
East-Nagach 11597 KC the Amazing 793 Deviant Misfits 865,440 3,063
KC the Amazing 793    D'yer Mak'er
Zorskog 9962 KC the Amazing 793 D'yer Mak'er 789,754 2,069