1003 rank

427,096,455 points

300,208 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Brent the Bear    WickedTwistedFelons
Arvahall 1003 Brent the Bear WickedTwistedFelons 427,096,455 300,208
Brent the Bear    Knightsfall Castle
Greifental 5059 Brent the Bear Knightsfall Castle 19,657,967 38,546
Brent the Bear    The Traveler's
Cirgard 5788 Brent the Bear The Traveler's 14,814,174 24,322
Brent the Bear    Don't Tread on Us
Jaims 6190 Brent the Bear Don't Tread on Us 9,987,724 8,833