16546 rank

405,783 points

1,410 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thales 814 the Proud    The Gilded Lilly
Tuulech 6821 Thales 814 the Proud The Gilded Lilly 5,463,097 8,872
Thales 814 the Proud   
Fel Dranghyr 10106 Thales 814 the Proud 1,438,779 2,609
Thales 814 the Proud    Fierce Creatures
Uceria 10611 Thales 814 the Proud Fierce Creatures 758,190 1,355
Thales 814 the Proud    Sovereign
Sinerania 10850 Thales 814 the Proud Sovereign 592,789 1,435
Thales 814 the Proud    Odor of the Rose🤺⚜️
Arvahall 16546 Thales 814 the Proud Odor of the Rose🤺⚜️ 405,783 1,410
Thales 814 the Proud    Dream Team 13
Carthage 7088 Thales 814 the Proud Dream Team 13 399,362 778
Thales 814 the Proud   
Korch 13202 Thales 814 the Proud 296,190 1,111