1529 rank

237,605,268 points

53,676 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
TCamp the Magnificent    GITOUTTADAWAY
Arvahall 1529 TCamp the Magnificent GITOUTTADAWAY 237,605,268 53,676
TCamp the Magnificent    Middle Ages Mafia
Dilmun 3862 TCamp the Magnificent Middle Ages Mafia 895,765 1,044
TCamp the Magnificent    Warehouse13
Houndsmoor 11856 TCamp the Magnificent Warehouse13 829,951 596
TCamp the Magnificent    The Show
Birka 9051 TCamp the Magnificent The Show 338,513 491
TCamp the Magnificent    uh huh
Uceria 12362 TCamp the Magnificent uh huh 333,364 368
TCamp the Magnificent   
Carthage 9067 TCamp the Magnificent 139,473 189