7044 rank

15,117,910 points

7,364 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lake Raven    ChristianCrusaders🌟
Brisgard 2030 Lake Raven ChristianCrusaders🌟 146,305,462 60,743
Lake Raven    Red Dragons
Greifental 1986 Lake Raven Red Dragons 136,052,451 54,664
Lake Raven    It's a game, RELAX
Vingrid 2046 Lake Raven It's a game, RELAX 113,056,962 37,881
Lake Raven    🚧 Wrecking Crew 🚧
Korch 2536 Lake Raven 🚧 Wrecking Crew 🚧 90,125,288 62,172
Lake Raven    Masada
Mount Killmore 2710 Lake Raven Masada 84,204,503 33,895
Lake Raven    BlueBrook
Xyr 2957 Lake Raven BlueBrook 54,806,746 39,452
Lake Raven    Relax and Play
Carthage 1773 Lake Raven Relax and Play 21,417,003 10,739
Lake Raven    Casual
Arvahall 7044 Lake Raven Casual 15,117,910 7,364
Lake Raven    League of Nomads
Zorskog 9259 Lake Raven League of Nomads 1,130,098 1,191