6682 rank

17,254,949 points

12,851 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Amar the Deathless   
Zorskog 2681 Amar the Deathless 48,687,018 59,221
Amar the Deathless    pls join :)))))))
Dunarsund 5117 Amar the Deathless pls join :))))))) 22,902,760 19,829
Amar the Deathless   
Arvahall 6682 Amar the Deathless 17,254,949 12,851
Amar the Deathless    Rocket420=Idiot
Mount Killmore 7435 Amar the Deathless Rocket420=Idiot 7,768,337 6,780