8219 rank

8,382,845 points

13,803 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Beatrix 1404 the Black    Rogue Alliance
Uceria 424 Beatrix 1404 the Black Rogue Alliance 608,948,511 214,286
Beatrix 1404 the Black    Constitution
Noarsil 3631 Beatrix 1404 the Black Constitution 35,067,447 32,578
Beatrix 1404 the Black    Wutsup Docs
Walstrand 3698 Beatrix 1404 the Black Wutsup Docs 25,767,222 34,401
Beatrix 1404 the Black    Polly's playhouse
East-Nagach 5855 Beatrix 1404 the Black Polly's playhouse 13,742,794 24,284
Beatrix 1404 the Black    The-Collective
Houndsmoor 5942 Beatrix 1404 the Black The-Collective 13,002,863 24,304
Beatrix 1404 the Black    Alchemist
Arvahall 8219 Beatrix 1404 the Black Alchemist 8,382,845 13,803