13097 rank

1,305,977 points

1,101 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
desertfox01    Kings Kid
Arvahall 13097 desertfox01 Kings Kid 1,305,977 1,101
desertfox01    Wizards
Brisgard 13935 desertfox01 Wizards 593,003 748
desertfox01    Ironforge
Cirgard 13171 desertfox01 Ironforge 488,561 554
desertfox01    Only The Strong
Dunarsund 13877 desertfox01 Only The Strong 416,770 454
desertfox01    Rogue
Houndsmoor 13985 desertfox01 Rogue 351,279 493