9374 rank

5,979,035 points

2,004 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hippolyta 3137 the Wise   
Arvahall 9374 Hippolyta 3137 the Wise 5,979,035 2,004
Hippolyta 3137 the Wise    -Maggots-
Brisgard 8616 Hippolyta 3137 the Wise -Maggots- 5,741,748 1,726
Hippolyta 3137 the Wise    Recration
Cirgard 7886 Hippolyta 3137 the Wise Recration 5,460,849 1,563
Hippolyta 3137 the Wise    Easy Going
Yorkton 6913 Hippolyta 3137 the Wise Easy Going 5,251,021 1,598
Hippolyta 3137 the Wise    TheScots
Birka 5035 Hippolyta 3137 the Wise TheScots 3,977,678 1,337