10405 rank

3,475,891 points

17,161 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
xyzfun    Goliath
Houndsmoor 4040 xyzfun Goliath 32,470,558 61,829
xyzfun    Rebel Warriors
Qunrir 4872 xyzfun Rebel Warriors 17,158,626 42,323
xyzfun    The Farm
Birka 2853 xyzfun The Farm 15,319,168 40,897
xyzfun    Followers of Christ
Sinerania 5479 xyzfun Followers of Christ 10,900,923 34,422
xyzfun    Anew
Arvahall 10405 xyzfun Anew 3,475,891 17,161
xyzfun    Followers of Christ
Brisgard 10488 xyzfun Followers of Christ 2,201,704 10,388