15816 rank

523,412 points

842 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tforce    Alps Of Rangnarok
Houndsmoor 11597 tforce Alps Of Rangnarok 942,591 1,045
tforce    Unknowing's
East-Nagach 12532 tforce Unknowing's 583,259 820
tforce    Guilders
Zorskog 10764 tforce Guilders 552,137 880
tforce    B.O.S.S
Arvahall 15816 tforce B.O.S.S 523,412 842
tforce    Fay Fortress
Tuulech 11025 tforce Fay Fortress 501,364 764
tforce    House of Ragnar
Mount Killmore 13694 tforce House of Ragnar 492,140 757
tforce    Beast
Dunarsund 15619 tforce Beast 212,213 326