9218 rank

6,539,296 points

6,641 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
H1stG33k    Rogue Chaos
Arvahall 9218 H1stG33k Rogue Chaos 6,539,296 6,641
H1stG33k    The Nordic Vikings
Dunarsund 10262 H1stG33k The Nordic Vikings 1,886,866 2,062
H1stG33k    Mythical Beasts
Cirgard 11160 H1stG33k Mythical Beasts 1,144,562 1,101
H1stG33k    DAMAS
Brisgard 12420 H1stG33k DAMAS 1,112,667 1,028
H1stG33k    The Birds
Vingrid 11123 H1stG33k The Birds 639,543 92
H1stG33k    Slotterhouse Crew
Carthage 6447 H1stG33k Slotterhouse Crew 626,764 524