5807 rank

22,934,726 points

2,103 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jack15    She
Cirgard 4454 jack15 She 26,687,775 2,181
jack15    Forge of Victory
Arvahall 5807 jack15 Forge of Victory 22,934,726 2,103
jack15    Warlords 13
Brisgard 5221 jack15 Warlords 13 21,909,807 1,894
jack15    Velvet Fist
Korch 4731 jack15 Velvet Fist 20,140,332 1,216
jack15    Traders
Dunarsund 5298 jack15 Traders 19,392,948 1,348
jack15    MartiansUnite
Xyr 5976 jack15 MartiansUnite 10,273,007 2,424
jack15    Golden Rule
Parkog 6057 jack15 Golden Rule 8,353,470 2,085