3671 rank

68,544,112 points

9,278 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Stiller Nation    Havoc Released
Mount Killmore 1696 Stiller Nation Havoc Released 166,244,325 16,597
Stiller Nation    Free Elysium
Uceria 2526 Stiller Nation Free Elysium 78,024,467 8,820
Stiller Nation    The Awakening
Arvahall 3671 Stiller Nation The Awakening 68,544,112 9,278
Stiller Nation    Vikings
Xyr 3314 Stiller Nation Vikings 43,098,597 7,354
Stiller Nation    Alpha Puppies
Walstrand 3824 Stiller Nation Alpha Puppies 28,078,711 6,097
Stiller Nation   
Brisgard 8498 Stiller Nation 6,076,651 2,937