18522 rank

221,182 points

255 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thor6789    Just 4 the fun of it
Rugnir 1112 Thor6789 Just 4 the fun of it 270,377,572 64,386
Thor6789    Sum Dum Ghuild
Xyr 6870 Thor6789 Sum Dum Ghuild 7,261,101 3,780
Thor6789    Quiet and Peaceful
Arvahall 18522 Thor6789 Quiet and Peaceful 221,182 255
Thor6789    CHAMPIONS 2
Brisgard 19954 Thor6789 CHAMPIONS 2 63,866 118
Thor6789    Den of the Dragons
Cirgard 20578 Thor6789 Den of the Dragons 25,275 63