162 rank

1,756,130,880 points

422,229 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cal the Sly    Twilight Zone
Fel Dranghyr 138 Cal the Sly Twilight Zone 1,796,829,566 421,192
Cal the Sly    Twilight Zone
Arvahall 162 Cal the Sly Twilight Zone 1,756,130,880 422,229
Cal the Sly    Twilight Zone
Tuulech 145 Cal the Sly Twilight Zone 1,630,295,277 382,800
Cal the Sly    Twilight Zone
Qunrir 232 Cal the Sly Twilight Zone 1,352,213,639 298,660
Cal the Sly    Twilight Zone
Cirgard 221 Cal the Sly Twilight Zone 1,305,678,524 303,890