4751 rank

39,668,847 points

20,623 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maku the Fixer    Pegasus Rising
Mount Killmore 425 Maku the Fixer Pegasus Rising 764,264,292 139,751
Maku the Fixer    Hermit's Heroes
Noarsil 2611 Maku the Fixer Hermit's Heroes 78,179,001 42,702
Maku the Fixer    Free Traders
Arvahall 4751 Maku the Fixer Free Traders 39,668,847 20,623
Maku the Fixer    Knights who say "Ni"
Vingrid 4310 Maku the Fixer Knights who say "Ni" 24,099,457 16,733
Maku the Fixer    Journeys End
Odhrorvar 5186 Maku the Fixer Journeys End 14,885,354 13,499
Maku the Fixer    Wolves of Stark
Walstrand 4976 Maku the Fixer Wolves of Stark 13,824,137 11,520