19495 rank

173,391 points

251 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jimofcochrane    jedi highlionders
Dunarsund 6183 jimofcochrane jedi highlionders 11,890,801 2,037
jimofcochrane    Flying Squirrels
Mount Killmore 9879 jimofcochrane Flying Squirrels 2,194,106 580
jimofcochrane    DarkWolves
Sinerania 8997 jimofcochrane DarkWolves 1,527,662 397
jimofcochrane    League of Nomads
Walstrand 9041 jimofcochrane League of Nomads 1,233,777 549
jimofcochrane    White Hemlock
East-Nagach 10896 jimofcochrane White Hemlock 1,202,839 559
jimofcochrane    Just_active
Rugnir 11268 jimofcochrane Just_active 593,735 374
jimofcochrane    The Last Dragons
Fel Dranghyr 12396 jimofcochrane The Last Dragons 559,905 213
jimofcochrane    night raiders
Arvahall 19495 jimofcochrane night raiders 173,391 251