11076 rank

2,736,127 points

982 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
G moe    Phoenix Flame
Birka 3986 G moe Phoenix Flame 7,361,457 1,732
G moe    Sea of Galilee
Jaims 6718 G moe Sea of Galilee 7,330,165 1,166
G moe    EnchantedForest
Yorkton 7335 G moe EnchantedForest 3,918,672 1,098
G moe    tiger of the fire
Vingrid 7729 G moe tiger of the fire 3,508,416 884
G moe    los loquitos
Sinerania 7655 G moe los loquitos 3,182,594 1,144
G moe    crazy rednecks
Zorskog 7299 G moe crazy rednecks 3,164,773 913
G moe    RavenRose
Xyr 8752 G moe RavenRose 2,824,693 947
Arvahall 11076 G moe MACEDONIA 2,736,127 982
G moe    Gsr
Fel Dranghyr 8998 G moe Gsr 2,453,744 969
G moe    Slainte
Dilmun 4504 G moe Slainte 449,660 396