17281 rank

330,067 points

155 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pythagoras 685 the White    DILLIGAF
Arvahall 17281 Pythagoras 685 the White DILLIGAF 330,067 155
Pythagoras 685 the White    New Day Co-Op
Noarsil 16297 Pythagoras 685 the White New Day Co-Op 54,527 45
Pythagoras 685 the White    Coo-Coo
Mount Killmore 21239 Pythagoras 685 the White Coo-Coo 34,028 52
Pythagoras 685 the White    Bandits
Odhrorvar 17508 Pythagoras 685 the White Bandits 28,571 34