4180 rank

41,544,787 points

38,795 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
WinPages    The Trading Post
Rugnir 868 WinPages The Trading Post 266,153,189 177,894
WinPages    V U L T U R E
Fel Dranghyr 1533 WinPages V U L T U R E 155,596,240 54,476
WinPages    Steel - Wheels
Arvahall 4180 WinPages Steel - Wheels 41,544,787 38,795
WinPages    Camelot
Birka 3443 WinPages Camelot 9,279,049 24,183
WinPages    Quiet and Peaceful
Zorskog 7186 WinPages Quiet and Peaceful 3,095,203 17,896