1216 rank

346,284,601 points

85,056 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
mmiracle69    *Veterans United*
Tuulech 741 mmiracle69 *Veterans United* 403,452,061 86,902
mmiracle69    Lunar Eclipse
Walstrand 755 mmiracle69 Lunar Eclipse 362,842,619 86,606
mmiracle69    Rise of Legends
Arvahall 1216 mmiracle69 Rise of Legends 346,284,601 85,056
mmiracle69    🩸Wounded Warriors🩸
Noarsil 911 mmiracle69 🩸Wounded Warriors🩸 334,777,222 80,449
mmiracle69    Kings of the North
Dunarsund 1114 mmiracle69 Kings of the North 308,606,908 83,383
mmiracle69    Legends!
Angkor 724 mmiracle69 Legends! 305,164,395 79,916