15604 rank

564,565 points

1,455 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mikey d Pirate    Ꭱyժеꭱꭶ ꭷf Ꭲⴙе Ꭶⴕꭷꭱⴅ
Dilmun 447 Mikey d Pirate Ꭱyժеꭱꭶ ꭷf Ꭲⴙе Ꭶⴕꭷꭱⴅ 40,463,970 63,449
Mikey d Pirate    Ryders of the Storm
Carthage 1583 Mikey d Pirate Ryders of the Storm 14,708,693 29,263
Mikey d Pirate   
Greifental 5312 Mikey d Pirate 14,593,060 11,362
Mikey d Pirate   
Arvahall 15604 Mikey d Pirate 564,565 1,455