1402 rank

236,653,948 points

138,728 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
PW31415926535    FOE Trading Guild
Arvahall 1402 PW31415926535 FOE Trading Guild 236,653,948 138,728
PW31415926535    The T.A.G. Team
Birka 761 PW31415926535 The T.A.G. Team 130,493,328 42,834
PW31415926535    The T.A.G. Team
Houndsmoor 2495 PW31415926535 The T.A.G. Team 79,622,588 41,088
Mount Killmore 2709 PW31415926535 DIAMOND FARMERS R US 70,279,950 28,340
PW31415926535    The T.A.G. Team
Zorskog 2031 PW31415926535 The T.A.G. Team 63,395,494 29,723
PW31415926535    The T.A.G. Team
Korch 3802 PW31415926535 The T.A.G. Team 33,086,123 23,813
PW31415926535    The T.A.G. Team
Parkog 3704 PW31415926535 The T.A.G. Team 29,574,915 21,406
PW31415926535    The T.A.G. Team
Vingrid 4386 PW31415926535 The T.A.G. Team 20,217,594 13,910
PW31415926535    The 4 Horsemen
Brisgard 9188 PW31415926535 The 4 Horsemen 4,003,639 13,393