15182 rank

641,658 points

548 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jraffe the Tall   
Uceria 7184 Jraffe the Tall 5,115,218 3,796
Jraffe the Tall   
Korch 9726 Jraffe the Tall 1,408,912 1,129
Jraffe the Tall    Elks Club
Dunarsund 11934 Jraffe the Tall Elks Club 919,090 955
Jraffe the Tall    One only
Fel Dranghyr 11506 Jraffe the Tall One only 759,042 498
Jraffe the Tall    Laid Back
Arvahall 15182 Jraffe the Tall Laid Back 641,658 548
Jraffe the Tall   
Cirgard 15306 Jraffe the Tall 229,417 197