9369 rank

5,986,872 points

1,171 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Peavie77    No Rules!
Arvahall 9369 Peavie77 No Rules! 5,986,872 1,171
Peavie77    Galneryus
Brisgard 9437 Peavie77 Galneryus 3,959,191 1,059
Peavie77    7 rising sun 7
Cirgard 9107 Peavie77 7 rising sun 7 2,999,300 937
Peavie77    The Grand Explorers
Dunarsund 9904 Peavie77 The Grand Explorers 2,248,059 842
Peavie77    Celestial Knights
East-Nagach 10285 Peavie77 Celestial Knights 1,572,022 793
Peavie77    Peaceful traders
Fel Dranghyr 10314 Peavie77 Peaceful traders 1,290,778 637
Peavie77    Royal Trading
Houndsmoor 11462 Peavie77 Royal Trading 998,619 473
Peavie77    Diamond Guild
Korch 11639 Peavie77 Diamond Guild 585,213 236
Peavie77    warriors of the time
Jaims 12061 Peavie77 warriors of the time 493,145 274
Langendorn 11950 Peavie77 416,312 214
Peavie77    Ladyhawke
Mount Killmore 15201 Peavie77 Ladyhawke 285,282 131
Noarsil 13516 Peavie77 GUILD NO REQUIREMTS 181,924 98