16963 rank

375,491 points

378 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
LionMerc16323    Legends2.0
Tuulech 9164 LionMerc16323 Legends2.0 1,330,070 806
LionMerc16323    Diamond Guild
Parkog 9469 LionMerc16323 Diamond Guild 1,193,204 755
LionMerc16323    The Rainbow Alliance
Dunarsund 11763 LionMerc16323 The Rainbow Alliance 985,685 733
LionMerc16323    The New Beginners
Dilmun 3400 LionMerc16323 The New Beginners 825,928 625
LionMerc16323    FIERCELY WICKED
Birka 7338 LionMerc16323 FIERCELY WICKED 744,692 430
LionMerc16323    Three Inns
Cirgard 12228 LionMerc16323 Three Inns 742,557 378
LionMerc16323    Amazon Sun Warriors
Arvahall 16963 LionMerc16323 Amazon Sun Warriors 375,491 378
LionMerc16323    Oregon Guild
Brisgard 18845 LionMerc16323 Oregon Guild 117,477 181