16800 rank

393,871 points

557 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
onejolie    The HappyPlace
Arvahall 16800 onejolie The HappyPlace 393,871 557
onejolie    Nova Poinex
Carthage 6499 onejolie Nova Poinex 359,153 573
onejolie    Dracones Taberna
Zorskog 12990 onejolie Dracones Taberna 230,470 413
onejolie    Smaugs Roost 🍺
Houndsmoor 15824 onejolie Smaugs Roost 🍺 209,708 417
onejolie    northern royal
Brisgard 17174 onejolie northern royal 209,635 427
onejolie    UTMCB (DE)
Walstrand 13297 onejolie UTMCB (DE) 204,539 322
onejolie    Chill'in
Parkog 13716 onejolie Chill'in 189,776 317
onejolie    Iron crown
Vingrid 14242 onejolie Iron crown 184,100 351
onejolie    Soldiers of the Lord
Rugnir 15954 onejolie Soldiers of the Lord 84,174 201