11272 rank

2,658,606 points

1,679 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thomas122565    Chaos Rising
Birka 1995 Thomas122565 Chaos Rising 37,106,256 9,595
Thomas122565    Heaven's Kingdom
Parkog 5662 Thomas122565 Heaven's Kingdom 10,933,620 3,819
Thomas122565    The Blade
Xyr 7829 Thomas122565 The Blade 4,608,404 2,130
Thomas122565    sneaky rats
Sinerania 7157 Thomas122565 sneaky rats 4,547,374 2,006
Thomas122565    The Shadow Rangers
Arvahall 11272 Thomas122565 The Shadow Rangers 2,658,606 1,679
Thomas122565    Silk Road Traders
Brisgard 12267 Thomas122565 Silk Road Traders 1,144,662 1,005