11980 rank

2,000,298 points

1,481 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dragonmyth3030    Exodus
Uceria 7691 Dragonmyth3030 Exodus 3,907,190 1,796
Dragonmyth3030    Tar Valon
Parkog 8238 Dragonmyth3030 Tar Valon 2,298,357 1,528
Dragonmyth3030    Knights of the Realm
Arvahall 11980 Dragonmyth3030 Knights of the Realm 2,000,298 1,481
Dragonmyth3030    Valdmar
Jaims 9658 Dragonmyth3030 Valdmar 1,497,809 1,298