8183 rank

9,725,465 points

1,577 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BjornBull    The Blues Brothers
Arvahall 8183 BjornBull The Blues Brothers 9,725,465 1,577
BjornBull    Let the big dogs eat
Dilmun 3669 BjornBull Let the big dogs eat 1,278,186 641
BjornBull    The Noarsil Guild
Noarsil 10515 BjornBull The Noarsil Guild 729,832 640
BjornBull    Billygoat’s Beard
Cirgard 12201 BjornBull Billygoat’s Beard 711,520 469
BjornBull    Lazytown
Brisgard 13561 BjornBull Lazytown 674,885 554
BjornBull    Best Members Only
Dunarsund 12961 BjornBull Best Members Only 589,788 383
BjornBull    Deviant Misfits
East-Nagach 14175 BjornBull Deviant Misfits 282,251 314
BjornBull    Uncle Sam's Misguide
Greifental 14866 BjornBull Uncle Sam's Misguide 134,929 160