10777 rank

3,094,762 points

6,804 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Yensid the Wise    The Beacon
Fel Dranghyr 7034 Yensid the Wise The Beacon 7,119,299 8,371
Yensid the Wise    The Torch
Brisgard 8897 Yensid the Wise The Torch 4,832,451 8,228
Yensid the Wise    The Lantern
Yorkton 7467 Yensid the Wise The Lantern 3,667,185 7,911
Yensid the Wise    Luminaries
Arvahall 10777 Yensid the Wise Luminaries 3,094,762 6,804
Yensid the Wise    Pharus Lucis
Walstrand 7488 Yensid the Wise Pharus Lucis 3,038,375 7,932