11338 rank

2,586,671 points

707 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
PRUMAN    Civilization!
Dilmun 2898 PRUMAN Civilization! 3,160,410 880
PRUMAN    Optimal Aces
Walstrand 7540 PRUMAN Optimal Aces 3,053,024 845
PRUMAN    Patriot Party
Rugnir 8018 PRUMAN Patriot Party 2,923,277 827
PRUMAN    Lothlorien
Mount Killmore 9430 PRUMAN Lothlorien 2,914,365 838
PRUMAN    The Birds
Vingrid 8194 PRUMAN The Birds 2,715,547 725
PRUMAN    night raiders
Arvahall 11338 PRUMAN night raiders 2,586,671 707
PRUMAN    Equilibrium
Fel Dranghyr 9030 PRUMAN Equilibrium 2,470,337 720