19919 rank

136,744 points

876 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hallowed27074    mcclan
Arvahall 19919 Hallowed27074 mcclan 136,744 876
Hallowed27074    POSITIVE ENERGY
Yorkton 15126 Hallowed27074 POSITIVE ENERGY 112,075 548
Hallowed27074    Diamonds Farms ONLY!
Angkor 14358 Hallowed27074 Diamonds Farms ONLY! 104,580 613
Hallowed27074    Dandelions Of Doom
Uceria 15775 Hallowed27074 Dandelions Of Doom 66,390 613
Hallowed27074    Do What you want
Brisgard 20572 Hallowed27074 Do What you want 51,754 621
Hallowed27074    The Nordic Vikings
Dunarsund 20927 Hallowed27074 The Nordic Vikings 24,489 532