8120 rank

9,965,755 points

9,845 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cybele 495 the Wicked    Guardians of Skaikru
Vingrid 598 Cybele 495 the Wicked Guardians of Skaikru 552,380,866 108,336
Cybele 495 the Wicked    Relaxed Minions
Xyr 2356 Cybele 495 the Wicked Relaxed Minions 77,917,395 26,048
Cybele 495 the Wicked   
Mount Killmore 3251 Cybele 495 the Wicked 59,837,411 25,072
Cybele 495 the Wicked   
Greifental 3917 Cybele 495 the Wicked 38,040,803 17,144
Cybele 495 the Wicked   
Brisgard 4594 Cybele 495 the Wicked 32,969,124 13,050
Cybele 495 the Wicked    Open Palm
East-Nagach 4377 Cybele 495 the Wicked Open Palm 32,902,391 14,844
Cybele 495 the Wicked   
Houndsmoor 6411 Cybele 495 the Wicked 11,897,748 8,151
Cybele 495 the Wicked   
Arvahall 8120 Cybele 495 the Wicked 9,965,755 9,845
Cybele 495 the Wicked   
Sinerania 7345 Cybele 495 the Wicked 3,982,172 6,330
Cybele 495 the Wicked    👽Area 51👽
Langendorn 8458 Cybele 495 the Wicked 👽Area 51👽 2,550,103 5,235
Cybele 495 the Wicked   
Tuulech 11098 Cybele 495 the Wicked 480,615 1,328