15391 rank

112,440 points

240 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tashee    leon
Brisgard 12741 Tashee leon 955,133 850
Tashee    EARTHLINGS 1
Tuulech 10464 Tashee EARTHLINGS 1 660,552 845
Tashee    All Around
East-Nagach 12353 Tashee All Around 630,970 858
Vingrid 11271 Tashee 579,049 644
Tashee    ghost rose
Arvahall 15515 Tashee ghost rose 576,178 742
Tashee    10th Mtn
Yorkton 11668 Tashee 10th Mtn 463,168 647
Tashee    A Better Guild
Parkog 11504 Tashee A Better Guild 418,305 578
Angkor 11241 Tashee 417,607 530
Tashee    Killas on Holiday
Xyr 14033 Tashee Killas on Holiday 304,716 385
Tashee    Magpies & Hoardlings
Greifental 13348 Tashee Magpies & Hoardlings 296,864 609
Tashee    Heeman
Cirgard 14751 Tashee Heeman 269,276 402
Tashee    BurnItDown
Sinerania 12608 Tashee BurnItDown 268,172 388
Tashee    The Warrior Tribe
Zorskog 12442 Tashee The Warrior Tribe 260,124 377
Tashee    309's
Mount Killmore 15790 Tashee 309's 228,384 227
Tashee    Southern shields
Dunarsund 15551 Tashee Southern shields 217,537 512
Walstrand 12736 Tashee 205,477 361
Tashee    The Things
Jaims 14025 Tashee The Things 205,366 299
Tashee    The Secret Six
Qunrir 13248 Tashee The Secret Six 198,167 375
Tashee    Sleeping Knights
Odhrorvar 13198 Tashee Sleeping Knights 194,418 427
Tashee    The Filthy Gauls
Uceria 13634 Tashee The Filthy Gauls 179,509 336
Tashee    Sea Peoples
Noarsil 13996 Tashee Sea Peoples 146,377 317
Birka 10988 Tashee 125,031 209
Tashee    Mythic
Fel Dranghyr 15747 Tashee Mythic 116,533 198
Tashee    Shadow of the Sith
Korch 15391 Tashee Shadow of the Sith 112,440 240
Tashee    Mystical Fairies
Rugnir 15609 Tashee Mystical Fairies 71,854 201
Tashee    Defend 2nd Amendment
Houndsmoor 19213 Tashee Defend 2nd Amendment 44,672 116
Tashee    Bean Field
Langendorn 17230 Tashee Bean Field 37,925 117