11742 rank

566,887 points

1,204 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Socrates 864 the Lion   
Parkog 1950 Socrates 864 the Lion 100,257,923 38,657
Socrates 864 the Lion    RED RAIN
Zorskog 8053 Socrates 864 the Lion RED RAIN 2,015,903 4,253
Socrates 864 the Lion    Fenway
Angkor 8292 Socrates 864 the Lion Fenway 1,628,962 2,772
Socrates 864 the Lion    Sanctuary
Noarsil 9396 Socrates 864 the Lion Sanctuary 1,345,657 3,168
Socrates 864 the Lion   
Korch 11742 Socrates 864 the Lion 566,887 1,204