15392 rank

109,937 points

140 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Croesus 782 the Lucky    Just’s Olives
Yorkton 1315 Croesus 782 the Lucky Just’s Olives 176,307,815 134,384
Croesus 782 the Lucky   
Langendorn 6806 Croesus 782 the Lucky 6,774,109 7,201
Croesus 782 the Lucky    Imperia
Greifental 14362 Croesus 782 the Lucky Imperia 178,127 329
Croesus 782 the Lucky   
Korch 15392 Croesus 782 the Lucky 109,937 140
Croesus 782 the Lucky    WeedThePeople
Jaims 17830 Croesus 782 the Lucky WeedThePeople 38,881 72
Croesus 782 the Lucky   
Arvahall 24004 Croesus 782 the Lucky 34,988 111
Croesus 782 the Lucky   
Cirgard 19972 Croesus 782 the Lucky 32,674 42
Croesus 782 the Lucky    The New order
East-Nagach 20466 Croesus 782 the Lucky The New order 20,334 49