8805 rank

2,346,327 points

2,025 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Suit    Trading, Aiding
Langendorn 1031 Suit Trading, Aiding 303,454,934 5,493
Suit    Dragons of Vanguard
Jaims 6961 Suit Dragons of Vanguard 6,772,283 2,168
Suit    Roses.
Angkor 7518 Suit Roses. 2,689,087 1,809
Suit    legend
Yorkton 8183 Suit legend 2,523,409 2,121
Suit    Angels of Mercy
Korch 8805 Suit Angels of Mercy 2,346,327 2,025
Suit    Mount Killmore
Mount Killmore 10160 Suit Mount Killmore 2,023,641 2,017