5420 rank

15,037,543 points

17,128 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Plinthy the Patient    Singularity
Korch 5420 Plinthy the Patient Singularity 15,037,543 17,128
Plinthy the Patient    Solamente
Yorkton 5027 Plinthy the Patient Solamente 13,730,622 18,045
Plinthy the Patient    Solow
Houndsmoor 6456 Plinthy the Patient Solow 11,563,395 15,202
Plinthy the Patient    Solamente
Xyr 6261 Plinthy the Patient Solamente 9,505,044 11,973
Plinthy the Patient    Solamente
Sinerania 10501 Plinthy the Patient Solamente 695,173 1,363