20210 rank

22,629 points

97 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pompeia 1492 the Wise   
Birka 12156 Pompeia 1492 the Wise 75,986 320
Pompeia 1492 the Wise   
Parkog 16274 Pompeia 1492 the Wise 66,289 208
Pompeia 1492 the Wise    Brotherhood
Qunrir 17398 Pompeia 1492 the Wise Brotherhood 45,834 131
Pompeia 1492 the Wise    A New Guild
Noarsil 18183 Pompeia 1492 the Wise A New Guild 33,506 116
Pompeia 1492 the Wise    The Brotherhood
Korch 20210 Pompeia 1492 the Wise The Brotherhood 22,629 97