2527 rank

81,510,628 points

9,061 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
riverbait    League of Nomads
Yorkton 1813 riverbait League of Nomads 97,231,252 11,125
riverbait    Free Elysium
Uceria 2093 riverbait Free Elysium 94,863,288 10,282
riverbait    League of Greatness
Mount Killmore 2364 riverbait League of Greatness 92,939,263 10,308
riverbait    The Fourth Dimension
Qunrir 2293 riverbait The Fourth Dimension 86,693,656 9,679
riverbait    D's Assailants
Dunarsund 2631 riverbait D's Assailants 86,573,146 9,524
riverbait    American Right
Cirgard 2512 riverbait American Right 82,451,101 9,217
riverbait    Local420
Korch 2527 riverbait Local420 81,510,628 9,061