6422 rank

8,345,629 points

4,551 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Argyrus 1006 the Scourge   
Zorskog 4143 Argyrus 1006 the Scourge 17,830,301 6,674
Argyrus 1006 the Scourge   
Fel Dranghyr 5257 Argyrus 1006 the Scourge 16,958,527 5,728
Argyrus 1006 the Scourge   
Yorkton 5419 Argyrus 1006 the Scourge 10,697,998 4,292
Argyrus 1006 the Scourge   
Korch 6422 Argyrus 1006 the Scourge 8,345,629 4,551