6603 rank

8,131,397 points

10,732 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Charles 876 the Valiant   
Walstrand 1269 Charles 876 the Valiant 197,621,643 57,511
Charles 876 the Valiant   
Korch 6603 Charles 876 the Valiant 8,131,397 10,732
Charles 876 the Valiant   
Arvahall 8933 Charles 876 the Valiant 7,270,883 12,382
Charles 876 the Valiant   
Xyr 10156 Charles 876 the Valiant 1,455,037 4,697
Charles 876 the Valiant   
Jaims 9913 Charles 876 the Valiant 1,309,011 2,129
Charles 876 the Valiant   
Vingrid 9967 Charles 876 the Valiant 1,075,496 2,341