6528 rank

7,245,748 points

5,784 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Quietus 1069 the Just   
Jaims 5952 Quietus 1069 the Just 9,730,972 11,214
Quietus 1069 the Just    Outback
Birka 3391 Quietus 1069 the Just Outback 9,324,629 5,974
Quietus 1069 the Just    Chill Zone
Angkor 5013 Quietus 1069 the Just Chill Zone 8,631,719 5,618
Quietus 1069 the Just    Green Bud Friendly
Fel Dranghyr 6467 Quietus 1069 the Just Green Bud Friendly 8,451,907 6,175
Quietus 1069 the Just    Laid Back
Korch 6528 Quietus 1069 the Just Laid Back 7,245,748 5,784
Quietus 1069 the Just    Outback
Houndsmoor 8009 Quietus 1069 the Just Outback 4,900,151 3,487
Quietus 1069 the Just    420 Friendly Guild
Dilmun 2880 Quietus 1069 the Just 420 Friendly Guild 1,389,126 2,530